The Clarion has undergone some major changes during the approximate year that I’ve served as editor-in-chief. Some of these changes have been drastic; some haven’t. But the staff and I hope you’ll agree that they’ve all been for the better.

In the fall, a significant number of new students joined our staff. Whether as an editor or a writer or a photographer, these new additions have greatly helped the Clarion grow in its size and coverage.

Because of this, we’ve been able to extend our scope beyond just the University of Denver campus, writing about events and news in the greater Denver community with a student-interest focus.

It was through the Clarion’s coverage of Occupy Denver and other Denver protests in the fall that many more students became aware of a national movement – and how it related to them. Over on duclarion.com, you could even watch a video clip providing even more information about what was going on in Civic Center Park in Downtown Denver.

Now that we’ve expanded our coverage and how we deliver it to the DU community, it’s time we shift our focus.

Beginning with the establishment of a new board dedicated to the future and longevity of the Clarion, called the Clarion Legacy Board – much like the Student Media Board, which dissolved in the spring of 2010 – the Clarion is moving towards a completely independent business model.

As it stands, the Clarion is the official student newspaper of DU, operating much like most other student organizations on campus, with the student comptroller overseeing many business facets of our operation.

The Clarion Legacy Board has set out to change that. By the beginning of fall quarter 2011, the Clarion will be the official, independent student newspaper of DU. See the big key word there?

Let me say it again: independent. The Clarion will continue to be the voice of the Pioneers; however, the Clarion’s new business department will provide an opportunity for business (and qualified non-business) students to get involved with managing a major operational budget of a student publication. It’s a big undertaking, and that’s where we need your help.

If you or any students you know have a strong background and interest in advertising sales and financial management, the Clarion needs you to be a part of this significant operational shift.

The Clarion Legacy Board is currently looking for several candidates to be hired as advertising sales representatives. These people will sell advertisements to local businesses. They will be paid by the hour, plus commission. Please email me at cory.lamz@gmail.com with your resume if interested.

In addition to hiring for these four sales positions, there are also openings for an advertising manager and financial manager. Again, if interested, please email me at cory.lamz@gmail.com.

Like all of the other changes at the Clarion, I am confident that this new business model will continue to streamline our operation and ensure that the Clarion will be able to serve Pioneers for generations to come.

After all, whether independent or not, the Clarion is – and will continue to be – the voice of the Pioneers.