Photo by: Asa Holley

This week we are going to look forward to the coming summer. DU student Asa Holley is preparing for a five week adventure in Africa. Holley is a sophomore, International business student who is involved with ROTC. 

Holley’s study abroad experience in the Brno, Czech Republic during fall quarter 2010 sparked an interest for social justice and experiencing as much of the world as he could! His purpose is to continue to see the world and extend his appreciation for other people and culture, he found the website www.africacalling.org.

Over this summer Holley is going to Tema, Ghana for five weeks.  While in Ghana he is going to live with the owner of the primary school and be a physical education teacher for students aged 9-12. Holley’s attitude toward the countries he visits was apparent when he said, “No matter where you go it’s not better or worse then where you came from, it’s just different.”