The Sidelines Pub was not only a pub serving food and drinks, but also an energetic dance party as well.

The Pub held a Swing Night last Thursday night where advanced and beginning dancers alike stepped and twirled to flowing saxophone solos.

The event was open to all students and although only 10 students came to bust-a-move, the staff working that night joined in as well. Pub supervisor Todd Oparowski even tried out a step or two.

“We’re going to shoot for next week and maybe try different styles,” commented Oparowski about the small turnout, which was attributed to it being a busy night for other events and Swing Night not being widely publicized.

Stacey Putch attended Swing Night and likes to swing dance because it’s fun and challenges her.

“You can always improve,” said Putch, who came to Swing Night because it was free and thought it’d be fun.

The group that was present may have been a small one but it was an intimate group. Those who had a natural swing-dancing bone in their body taught the others impressive dips, quick-paced turns and upbeat steps.

“The few moves I know I learned just a few minutes ago,” said Ramnath Selagamsetty.

“My roommate encouraged me to come to Swing Night,” said first-year student Katie Flansburg, “A bunch of people from Halls go to the Mercury Café and we got a few people from our hall together to come and dance for Swing Night.”

The pub easily transformed into a dance floor when the tables and chairs were cleared from the wood floor in front of the low stage, the lights were dimmed, and up tempo music like “Zoot Suit Riot” by the Cherry Poppin’ Daddies was played through the speakers. The students took pictures of each other in their flowing skirts and button-down shirts between dances and also enjoyed milkshakes provided by the staff.

The night ended with a discussion about hopefully seeing each other at the next Mercury Café night where there are instructional swing opportunities and a swing dance night for people to come and dance. The staff was hopeful that more people would show up next week so that it might be able to become a regular event.