Walking home late one night from the library, I headed toward the Ritchie Center. Everyone who lives on the north side of campus has probably noticed the construction of the soccer stadium and field, fitness facility and art annex.

While the construction is underway, students and other pedestrians are detoured through the Ritchie Center. None of this has concerned me.

I understand that our school is expanding and upgrading and that’s wonderful.

Yet, at midnight after a long study session in the library, I found myself walking across campus alone. I’ve never felt uncomfortable doing this before because I’m familiar with the campus and I keep my cell phone close at hand.

But tonight was different.

I walked up to the Ritchie Center doors and found them locked. The two closest options for getting past the construction was through two alleys. It is closer for me to walk on the east side of the building, so that’s the route I took.

This was the first time that I’d ever felt as if my safety was compromised on campus. Nighttime is the most dangerous time on campus, and being forced into poorly lit alleys does not help.

If DU is going to make the Ritchie Center a detoured walkway, then it shouldn’t be locked late at night with only poorly lit alleys the other option.

I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. Several of my friends have also shared their concerns with me, wondering to whom they should talk to about this problem.