Wednesday, April 1A previously cited tresspasser was taken into police custody at 11 a.m. Campus Safey caught the party on university property after responding to a report of a suspicious person at the Performing Arts Center.

Thursday, April 2Four underage students were caught with containers of alcohol in Johnson-McFarlane Hall around 10 p.m. Campus Safety responded to the report of the smell of marijuana on the floor, although no illegal drugs were found in the room. The alcohol was confiscated and the students were reported to the university.

Friday, April 3The Denver Fire Department and Campus Safety arrived at Aspen Hall at 8 p.m. after a carbon monoxide detector went off in one of the apartment units. The alarm was falls and no carbon monoxide was present. Facilities Management has been asked to repair the broken detector.

Sunday, April 5Campus Safety and the Denver Fire Department were called to Nelson Hall at 2 p.m. to attend to a sick student. The student told authorities that he did not require medical assistance, but was told to contact Campus Safety if his condition worsened.

A fake identification card was turned in to the front desk at Centennial Halls at 9:42 p.m. The ID was handed in with a number of other items beloning to a student. The ID card was confiscated.