“The Reader” is an award-winning-film based on the award winning book by the German author Bernhard Schlink, “Der Vorleser.” It follows the life of Michael Berg (David Cross), a 15-year-old boy in post-World War II Germany.

Michael falls ill on his way home one day and is helped by Hanna Schmitz (Kate Winslet), a 36-year-old woman. The two are quickly drawn into a clandestine affair, and when Hanna asks Michael to read to her, the passion of his storytelling only deepens their relationship. But their relationship comes to an abrupt end when Hanna disappears, leaving young Michael heartbroken.

Years later, Michael, now a law student observing Nazi war trials, attends the trial of former female S.S. concentration camp guards and realizes that the accused is Hanna.

As the trial unfolds, Michael learns a secret with profound implications. Later in life Michael (Ralph Fiennes), now a prominent lawyer, reconnects with Hanna through their love of the classics.

“The Reader” is a story about love, truth, law and integrity. The film also explores reconciliation through coming to terms with the past. The story is very hard to tell since it deals with sensitive subjects such as relations with minors and the Holocaust, but the excellence of the screenplay adaptation and the prowess of the actors transforms the narrative into a cinematic masterpiece.

While Winslet plays the role of Hanna to perfection, the real star of the film seems to be Kross, who, at only 18, brings Michael’s story to life so well that he outshines his older self, portrayed by seasoned actor Fiennes.

This film has been nominated for five Academy Awards, including best picture, best cinematography and best adapted screenplay. Stephen Daldry, director of such films as “Billy Elliot” and “The Hours,” is nominated for best director, and Winslet is nominated for best actress in a leading role.

A description or critique of “The Reader” does not evoke the depths of this beautifully told tragedy.

Both probing and unapologetic, the film forces the audience to look at life through an unfamiliar lens.

This film is sure to render every audience member speechless. It is an absolute must see.