Promoting internationalization at the University of Denver and ensuring that study abroad stays a serious and lively experience are just some of the goals of English professor Eric Gould, newly appointed vice provost of internationalization.

The position previously was held by Professor Ved Nanda, who stepped down on July 1.

In an interview, Gould said his his goal of promoting internationalization, “allows for cultural growth” throughout the lives of students who engage in seeking out cultural diversity.

“Another goal is to make sure the lives of our international students are enriched here,” said Gould, “Also to support faculty and graduate students with their work abroad.”

Gould said the role of vice provost of internationalization is to manage the Office of Internationalization at the International House and develop the programs it offers in three main areas: English language services, International Student Scholarship Services and the study abroad program.

“Vice provosts are expected to take academic initiatives to promote internationalization both on campus and in the curriculum, working in partnership with deans from every department,” Gould said.

Provost Gregg Kvistad told DU Today that he believes Gould’s service in the area of internationalization at DU, including being chair of the Cherrington Global Scholars Faculty Board, qualifies him for this position. In addition, Gould has lived, studied and taught in five foreign countries.

His research is based on cultural studies, with an emphasis on the novel.

Gould has been at DU since 1972.

He has served as a vice provost, dean of graduate studies, chair of the English Department and has been directing the honors program.

Gould has authored or co-authored eight books. His most recent two books have touched on university culture.

They are titled, The University in a Corporate Culture and The Cosmopolitan University, a study of the novel in the 20th century.

Gould will serve as the vice provost for the next three years.

Nanda remains at DU as a professor of international law at at the Sturm College of Law.