Being a student at this university, the expectation is that most people go abroad for some amount of time, which usually is the fall quarter of one’s junior year.
Nationally, DU ranks second among U.S. doctoral-level universities in the percentage of undergraduate students who study abroad.
It is hard to fathom why a student would not sign up for this challenging and diversifying experience.
The reality is, that overwhelmingly most students across the nation do not choose or have the opportunity to study abroad.
Only one percent of undergraduate students nationwide actually study abroad, compared to 69 percent of undergraduate DU students who do have a study abroad experience.
This opportunity enables DU students to learn more about other cultures and, in turn, learn much more about themselves.
The study abroad experience is about growing, diversifying and broadening one’s horizons while still earning credits recognized by one’s home university.
The goal of the DU study abroad program is to develop global perspectives and connections by substantially expanding student and faculty experiences abroad.
To ensure that students are optimistic about finding a school abroad that will be a good fit for them, DU offers more than 150 programs around the world, including the Semester at Sea option. Students may also choose the duration of their experience, including time periods such as a single quarter, semester or a full academic year.
Another way that DU makes it easy for students to study abroad is through the Cherrington Global Scholars program. DU rewards students with exceptional grades by adding no additional cost beyond DU tuition to the study abroad experience, no matter where the student studies.
Although DU has tried to diversify our campus, the reality is that most people here are relatively the same. Studying abroad is an alternative way to learn more about other people who we are unable to encounter while studying at our home university.
Studying abroad gives students a chance to push themselves even farther than they initially thought they were capable of.
If you are a freshman or sophomore, think whether studying abroad is an experience you really want to delve into. I encourage you to consider it.
Most students who have had a chance to study abroad agree that this experience is an eye opener and can be life changing.
DU makes it so easy for anyone to study abroad that it would be a shame for anyone to pass up the opportunity.