Daniels College of Business and division of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences were assigned new deans starting this summer.

Chancellor Robert Coombe announced the new leadership positions to Christine Riordan, Ph.D., to lead Daniels College of Business, and Anne McCall, Ph.D., to lead the division of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Past leadership and expertise in their fields qualifies them for these positions. Coombe said. McCall has worked at Tulane University for 16 years and is currently an associate dean and French professor.

“I want to support the faculty function first,” said McCall of her goals for her division.

She wants to help teachers implement new ideas that allow them to use their teaching ambitions. She also wants to let the department’s accomplishments be better known, whether student or faculty.

McCall wants to make changes by “pulling off faculty expertise.”

Riordan has been an associate dean at Texas Christian University for the past three years, and has other leadership experience with other schools and companies. She has worked closely with several Fortune 500 and private corporations in leadership development.

She was also the managing and founding director for the Institute for Leadership Advancement in the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia. Together at TCU and UGA she raised $10 million dollars.

Riordan is to lead over 3,000 students in the Daniels College of Business and keep it at the top of the nation’s standings. Daniels College of Business is DU’s largest academic division.

McCall will lead almost 2,000 students in the division of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, which includes 15 different departments, such as English, psychology and music.

McCall was drawn to the DU community because of its size, the caliber and dedication of its people and the setting of Denver.

“Student and faculty have real choices together,” said McCall.

McCall and Riordan are to begin full time in August.