Dear Editor,

As an alumnus of DU (BSBA ’89 & MBA ’91) and a member of the Denver and Ritchie Center communities, I had to laugh when I read Dr. Sheila Schroeder’s Letter to the Editor about the name Bikini Boot Camp for a fitness class. You would think that as a Mass Communications professor she would know that the best marketing is that which is truthful and catchy.

Bikini Boot Camp is what most women (and men) are looking for from their work-out facility as the summer months approach and we shed our wool sweaters and fleece for the more revealing shorts and yes, bikinis.

Dr. Schroeder opines about the adverse health effects that result from the images of physically fit women, yet fails to accept that fact that these women, for the most part, are far healthier than their inactive peers.

Please keep in mind that her educational degree(s) leading to her use of the ‘Dr.’ prefix has no relation to her having any background in the healthcare field.

The health benefits of Bikini Boot Camp far outweigh the subjective and anecdotal concerns brought up by Sheila Schroeder, and I encourage all students to get to the gym for their own good.

Personally, I am sick and tired of activist professors on college campuses. Sheila Schroeder and other professors like her, who seek conformity to their ways and views, are the main reason why I and others have stopped donating to DU.

If Sheila Schroeder is so concerned about Bikini Boot Camp, maybe she should look around the DU campus and see that bikinis are in and maybe she will realize that her opinion is out. Ms. Schroeder, learn from your students and get a life!

Jim Allen

