DU watched a basketball season of a different kind come to an end last Wednesday in the Hamilton Gym. Pioneer Intramural Basketball or PIB as many know it, fielded 20 teams in the tourney. Three championship games that were held. The first was the co-ed game which was won by Lunch Ladies’ Drawers. The men’s league was divided into two, the upper 10 teams and the lower 10 teams based on their records. The lower division was won by TEAM EZY and the upper division was won by Get Your Hand Out of My Pocket.

This season marked the inauguration of a new schedule used by intramural basketball In past years there would be two intramural basketball .seasons, one in the winter quarter and one in the spring. This season Brad Logar, sports program manager, decided to switch it to one full season. The 10-game regular season began in late September and a few more teams were added in the beginning of January to boast the male league total to 20 teams. There were also four co-ed teams that competed amongst each other.

“Intramural sports are completely for students, whatever they want to see is what we will do. If there is a new sport that students want to try, they should let us know,” said Logar.

The deadline for spring quarter intramurals was last Friday and will consist of outdoor soccer, softball, kickball, tennis, ice hockey, a flag football tournament and ultimate frisbee.

“It is really student driven, marketing on the Web in the dorms, in this facility, word of mouth is key,” said Logar about how they get students to sign up.

Most sports cost $30 per team to participate in, except ice hockey which costs $60 per team due to the expense of ice time.

Logar’s office is located inside the Coors Fitness Center and is open Sunday through Thursday and always has an open door for any suggestions or comments students may have.