Photo by: Mike Sasser

The countdown is on: only two weeks left until finals. It’s that time of the quarter when stress levels skyrocket and everyone starts cramming.

The 10 weeks of the fall quarter have flown by. It seems like just yesterday professors were handing out the class syllabus, and now it is already time to be tested on everything that has been taught. The quarter system might raise some students’ anxiety about finals, but many are excited and ready for the first quarter of the 2007-2008 school year to be over.

Freshman Ali Mason is not as nervous about finals as she is about preparing her work for the end of the quarter.

“I’m more worried about getting everything done that needs to be done,” she said, namely for the final papers due in two of her classes.

Senior Glyna Gonzalez shares similar views as Mason. “I’m not as nervous [for finals] because I’m a senior,” she said.

Her previous experiences with finals at DU have prepared her for the finals of this quarter. Although finals do seem to come up quickly, Gonzalez has had experience with both a semester system and a quarter system. She prefers the quarter system because “you are able to learn in a short amount of time and you are able to take fewer classes” than a school with a semester schedule, making it a little easier to manage finals.

One tip for preparing for finals is to utilize many resources for studying. Forming study groups is a good way to study, collaborating ideas and notes, and quizzing each other. Or have a friend, roommate or sibling quiz you over the material that will be asked on the final. It could also be beneficial to ask your professor any questions or clarify what will be on the final. Sometimes flashcards come in handy to study between classes or at lunch.

As far as places to study, there are many options. For example, in the dorms, the library, Jazzman’s Café, or other venues on campus. If you’re a late night studier, Penrose library has a late night quiet study area, open until midnight on weekdays.

The Driscoll Student Center is open from 7 a.m. to midnight Monday through Friday. On Saturdays, it’s open from 9:30 a.m. to midnight, and Sundays 11:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.. Plus, Sidelines pub is open until 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

Other good tips for preparing for finals: Gonzalez suggests getting a good night’s sleep the night before. Also, eat a good breakfast. Arrive for the test early, and most importantly, be confident and think positive. And, think of your thanksgiving meal.