South Africa is the most politically and economically stable African nation. Its pristine scenery coupled with an overwhelming mix of European and African cultures and wild nightlife make it an ideal destination for any traveler. Junior Jenna Wallace is currently studying abroad in Cape Town, the capitol of South Africa.

Wallace has been exploring the city and surrounding areas by attending festivals, markets, museums all while going to class at the University of Cape Town, or UCT. She also spends time volunteering at a children’s home.

However, Wallace has seen more places than those near her home in a southern suburb of Cape Town. She recently took a trip during UCT’s spring break to Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This experience gave her the opportunity to go on game walks and see Victoria Falls which is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Wallace also had the guts to bungee jump off a bridge between Zambia and Zimbabwe.

In her e-mails home, she says that cultural differences have led to a few mishaps. Including a time when she and friends went to a Mexican restaurant and ordered “chips and salsa.” However, “chips” in South Africa are known to Americans as “french fries.” The waiter proceeded to present the table with a basket of french fries and salsa.

“Minor problems and frustrations are bound to happen abroad. That is all part of the experience,” she explained.

Wallace says that one of the most difficult things for her to get used to has been seeing the disparity between the rich and poor. Cape Town has areas of extreme wealth with illustrious mansions just minutes away from the townships where people live in tin shacks and other makeshift housing. She also notes that it’s strange to stand out as an American.

She’s nearing the end of her studies in South Africa, but Wallace says she plans on taking a trip down the Garden Route a popular path of travel across the Southern part of the country. She also would like to visit Namibia before the semester ends.

Wallace encourages all students to take advantage of the experience of study abroad from which she has learned so much.

“Pick a country that you are interested in, listen to the advice that previous abroad students give you, do lots of traveling, keep an open mind and have fun!”