The University of Denver’s first Latino Heritage Month celebrated its kick-off featuring speaker José R. (Beto) Juárez, Jr., the first Latino dean of the Sturm College of Law, last week in the Cherrington Hall’s Cyber Café.
Students, faculty and staff enjoyed food and beverages while exchanging smiles. Director of the Latino Center, Deb Ortega, started the event by saying that the Latino community was “all things to all people.”
Multiple organizations were present including the Latino Student Alliance, the Latino Sorority and the Latino Fraternity, which was “getting started” and going well, explained one member.
The highlight of the evening was the speech by Juárez, a professor at the Strum College of Law as well as the dean of the school.
With a Latino dean and the help of faculty from all disciplines, the Latino community could help the world at large and could begin to recognize “what gifts we bring to the society,” said Juárez.
Juárez confessed that he had great pride in the celebration but that he had mixed feelings about its name. The first problem Juárez presented was the ever-present question: “What do we call ourselves?”
He explained that Latinos resisted this term originally because of its origins. The word “Latino” was developed by French imperialists for Latin America.
However, in order to recognize a diverse past, one must recognize their ancestors, he concluded.
Next, Juárez mentioned the DU Pioneers and the image of the Conestoga wagon crossing the Great Plains as the pioneers arrived in the uncharted West.
However, this essentially, without intention, excludes the Latino community, as Latinos did not come from the east.
In fact they were “Americans” long before the nation was coined America and long before Texas became a state.
The “Pioneers” suggest that “our history has been written out of the history books all together,” said Juárez.
“We have to recognize and celebrate; we cannot forget the contributions of the Latino community. We were building these states before the Pilgrims…that can’t be written out.”
Juárez, who has a degree in history from Stanford , stressed that, “history has to be part of our fabric so we can be part of this complex society.”
Juárez explained that he was the first Latino dean for the Sturm College of Law because he’d worked hard, but that he would not have gotten as far if his community, his family and his friends had not worked alongside him.
“None of us got here by ourselves…there are far smarter people but they never got the chance to be the dean,” said Juárez.
He explained that he was lucky because he “does what he loves” and can help to make a difference.
Next, Juárez addressed the issue of immigration and explained that no matter how hard one tries, the issue cannot be ignored.
“Try eating without immigrant laborers,” he told the audience.
The United States is more willing to release criminals from jail rather than allow immigrants, who already want these jobs, into the states, he said.
He believes that “we are privileged here at DU because we have the opportunity to speak out on their behalf.”
DU’s commitment to become more diverse is one of the reasons Juárez works on campus.
Nonetheless, he said, “We have a lot of work to do here, but so do a lot of places.”
His remarks evoked a rush of audience and cheer.
Students and faculty alike were impressed with the event.
Julieta Quinonez, a senior, explained that, “seeing Latino people in positions of power is really inspiring for the undergraduate students.”
DU student Ana Rodriguez said, “The speech was inspiring, especially to our community, because we don’t have someone to speak to those issues.”
She described the Latino staff and faculty as “role models” and the kick-off as, “a good opportunity for students to get to know these Latino professors and staff.”
The entire month of October is dedicated to Latino Heritage The upcoming events include:
Oct. 15: Latino Awareness Day, Info on Driscoll Bridge, free HIV testing for all.
Oct. 24: “Walk Out” is playing at the Sturm Auditorium.
Oct. 26: ‘Noche Caliente” LSA’s annual kick-off and celebration in Driscoll.
Oct. 31: Opportunity to learn about “Dia de Los Muertos” from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Driscoll Ballroom. Altars will be displayed for the deceased.