The music industry is filled with people who are more concerned with being famous than delivering good music. Kenna is not one of those seeking 15-minutes of celebrity.

His newly released album Make Sure They See My Face (FACE) sounds like a combination of rock, electronica, pop, alternative and hip hop all rolled into one.

According to Kenna, “[FACE] is a story from start to finish. A search for identity.

He shows a willingness to go to extremes to capture the sound he want to deliver to listeners.

Listeners can tell that he cares deeply about the songs he sings. It may be pop music but he makes it primarily for himself and his underground fans rather than for the corporate machine or to generate massive records sales.

The tracks are all equally riveting, making it hard to choose a favorite song. If you have seen the Sony PSP commercials you have probably heard his song “Out of Control (State of Emotion)” which incorporates both alternative and dance sounds.

“Baptized in Backlight” is a ballad with a John Legend meets U2 dance feel that is just delightful.

“Say Goodbye to Love” has an unmistakable Neptunes inspired sound but is powerful nonetheless.

The whole album is worth hearing again and again.

However, this album is not for everybody. If you are not a fan of the pop/alternative phenomenon then you probably will not enjoy FACE. If you like The Neptunes, Bloc Party, The Killers, Mark Ronson, and/or The Gorillaz it is almost guaranteed that you will like Kenna’s music.

Kenna’s name means “to get what you want,” and it could not be more accurate. He was born in Ethiopia and grew up in Virginia where he first took an interest in music. He went to high school with “Chase” Chad Hugo of The Neptunes and has been deeply involved with music ever since.

He has been on the underground music scene for quite a while and is now becoming a household name after touring with No Doubt and Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode.

Kenna is getting what he wants. For some time, he has been catering to an unique underground crowd that demands creativity.

Kenna’s dynamic role in the underground scene allows him to incorporate many genres into his music without having to worry about losing his audience.

For a great album that you will listen to over and over again, pick up Kenna’s new album Make Sure They See My Face.

The album is sure to please music fans of all genres with its unique and mesmerizing sound.