At the AUSA meeting last week the Senate approved new rules for Senate elections next week.

Senators said they were revising election rules to boost voter turnout and alleviate problems that had occurred in previous years. The Senate adopted the updated rules by unanimously passing resolution 10C.

This spring, AUSA candidates will get one more day to campaign than in prior years. Campaigning began Sunday after 5 p.m. and continues to May 9 at 4 p.m. Students have three days to vote, May 7 from 8 a.m. to May 9 at 4 p.m. All voting will take place on computers.

The results of the election will be announced at 6 p.m. on May 9. The new Senate members will be officially sworn in at the final Senate meeting of the academic year.

In other business, the Senate passed a resolution to create a Strategic Planning Commission.

The purpose of the commission will be to draft a four-year plan that deals with policy proposals and goals for the future of DU.

The commission will consist of nine members of the student body who will work closely with other students, the administration, and the AUSA Senate to create the four-year plan.

According to the AUSA Strategic Planning Commission Proposal, “The Strategic Planning Commission shall also outline current conditions at DU to give the future students an idea of historical reference for the campus.”

The Senate also discussed the attempted sexual assault that occurred on April 22 and possible ways to make students less vulnerable to attacks.

“That incident really struck me,” said AUSA President Aaron Schwarzberg. “I want to take a strong stance on it.” The incident occurred in broad daylight on East Evans Avenue near the crosswalk.

Possible plans of action included a funding bill to provide pepper spray for students. The Senate plans to further discuss the incident with Campus Safety.