Numerous nations were represented at the Festival of Nations last Saturday, attended by several hundred students and community members.

Traditional dance was one feature of the festival, with many of the nations performing. A Chinese dragon (top), commonly seen during the Chinese New Year parade, danced at the festival. The dance performances offered a chance for visitors to sit down, enjoy their food, and experience a different culture.

Traditional dress was also common. A member of the DU Taiwanese student organization wore traditional dress at the event. The Taiwanese table featured Mahjong, where people could test their luck, and win food or prizes (right).

Food was a primary focus of the festival. Members of the Pi Lambda Chi sorority serving up a crowd favorite, nachos (bottom right). The table also featured orchata, which is a drink mixture of milk, water, rice and cinnamon chilled to perfection.

Saudi Arabia was another featured nation at the event (bottom left). A member of the DU Saudi Arabian organization wore traditional dress. The Saudi table featured literature about Saudi culture, sport and environmental advancements.