Welcome to a commentary on what was HOTT on campus, and in Denver, during the past week and what you all have to look forward to in the week ahead.
Last Thursday night, Lambda Chi Alpha put on its third rendition of its annual Mustache Bash, and the word on the street is even though ticket prices were a little steep, it lived up to all the hype. It was a night where the ’70s sleaze and hairiness were celebrated.
Then, if you didn’t get enough Thursday night, well, Rabbi Yossi Serebryanski, the Chabad Rabbi, hosted a Purim Bar Party on Saturday night that mixed in religious jumble and was a genuine good time.
Besides bar parties, Monark was spectacular on Friday night with their “Barbie Party” that was HOTT! For the record, I dressed like Ken.
Oh, wait! I left out La Rouge’s grand opening on Thursday night – real fun party, but I’m not really a fan… no offense to anyone that likes La Rouge. It just felt a little sleazy.
Back to Saturday night. DU Hockey at CC: it was “No Bueno” for the first two and a half periods. I thought we played like amateurs. But it got heated in the “C.S.,” when, with 1:30 left in the game, DU launched a memorable comeback and Doug Finn taunted CC fans, “That Just Happened.” After that, DU fell asleep in overtime and didn’t wake back until about midnight at the Border, which, by the way, was off the hook…
That’s it for last week.
So what’s HOTT for next week? If you think you have what it takes to be a model, head to the super sexy Denver lounge 5 Degrees Wednesday night, there is a “Maximum Modeling Agency” casting party.
There are no guarantees. Just because you think you’re HOTT doesn’t mean the judges will! NCAA hockey playoffs start this week. Don’t miss it.
Now to close things out, the announcement of the HOTTest GUY and GIRL of the week at DU. Since this is my column, and it is the first one ever, Matt Landes is the HOTTest Guy of the week. And the HOTTest Girl? Editor in chief of the Clarion, Jess Slosberg, for letting me write this column.
The HOTTest fraternity of the past week was Lamda Chi Alpha. The HOTTest sorority was Gamma Phi Beta for putting on that great charity event. The HOTTest song of the past week was Mims’ “This is why I’m HOTT.”