Colleges Against Cancer (CAC), a student-run campus organization, will be working to promote breast cancer awareness and education to students at the University of Denver during Think Pink week from Oct. 22-28.

Think Pink week “is a national campaign from all Colleges Against Cancer to promote awareness of breast cancer to college students” along with education and survivor support, said DU CAC president Kat Walsh.

The goal of Think Pink week is to “flood the campus with breast cancer awareness” said Walsh.

A number of events are being held to accomplish this goal, all of which involve educating students through facts and statistics. CAC is “trying to make education fun” said Walsh.

Pink ribbons with cancer facts have been strung around trees all over campus. Boob cookies will be provided on Driscoll Bridge. About 150 free Think Pink T-shirts will be given out.

The campus will be chalked to raise awareness about breast cancer and CAC. Scare Away Cancer will take place on Oct. 30 and 31, with free candy containing cancer facts being handed out.

Walsh, a senior, has been involved with CAC since it was launched three years ago.

The death of two friends when she was young was one of the driving forces for her involvement with this organization.

CAC is active throughout the year, sponsoring a Kiss Away Cancer bar party in February, skin cancer awareness events in the spring and Relay for Life, the kickoff event for May Days.

Last year, Relay for Life raised $18,000. Walsh’s goal this year is $30,000. She hopes to accomplish this by generating awareness throughout the student body: “Awareness of cancer and CAC is our main goal,” said Walsh.

CAC is a subsidiary of the American Cancer Society. According to the Web site, “[t]he CAC program allows college students, faculty and staff to work together to bring American Cancer Society programs and services to college communities nationwide.”

There are currently more than 175 CAC chapters nationwide.

The DU chapter has bi-weekly meetings with most of the events being organized via e-mail.

“My mission in life is to help end cancer,” said Walsh.