Sexual assault affects all of us, whether we know it or not. It is a crime that occurs with intense frequency that continually goes unreported.
Most sexual assaults are perpetrated by individuals known to the victim – friends, classmates, family members. These “hidden” rapes are occurring every day and it is up to us as a community at DU to say “No” to this kind of violence on our campus and in our society.
The October 10th article stated that what an individual wears affects his or her safety. I feel obligated to correct this perception.
Under no circumstances does a person’s dress invite or provoke an assault. The survivor of the assault is never to blame. Sexual assault is an act of violence, power, and control; it is not an act of sexual desire. The survivor’s clothing is not relevant.
The often quoted reason why survivors do not report their experience is because of fear of ostracism and blame by their community.
If we hope to change our culture and create an environment where survivors feel safe to come forward, we must understand these reasons. No one asks to be abused; no one who has experienced such a horrific act should be blamed.
In addition to the resources provided by Campus Safety, there is an entire office at DU dedicated to sexual assault education and prevention.
This office provides confidential resource referral and advice for survivors of sexual assault and for friends and family of survivors. It spearheads the campaign to end sexual violence at DU and collaborates with a number of departments on campus to do this.
The Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Office is the primary resource for information and assistance on this issue. There are also three student organizations addressing sexual violence at DU: Rape Awareness and Gender Education (RAGE), Men as Allies, and Greek Leaders Against Sexual Assault (GLASA).
If you would like advice, support, or information on any of these groups or sexual assault in general, then please contact Lisa Ingarfield, Coordinator, Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Office at or 303-871-3853.