The AUSA Senate met last Tuesday for its first session this year and planned its activities for this quarter.

On-Campus Senator Terrell Love announced the Diversity and Unity Leadership Retreat that will be held Friday, Sept. 29, to Sunday, Oct. 1.

The retreat is being put together by the Center for Multicultural Excellence and is free to all students. However, participants must RSVP by Friday, Sept. 22, 2006 4 p.m.

The Senate also addressed orientation week for freshmen and transfers.

“Discoveries week was a huge success. There was much participation from the students in all of the events held during the week,” said Senator Monica Kumar, Senator for DCB.

President Aaron Schwarzberg discussed open Senate positions.

“There will be two new chair positions available, both decided by me and Vice President Megan Carter. The first will be Chair of Greek Affairs whose job will be to keep good communication and updates between IFC and AUSA. Also, the Chair of Campus Climate which will work on campus diversity in collaboration with the Center for Multicultural Excellence,” said Schwarzberg.

Junior Senator Kelsey Yamasaki, handed out Senate-funded coasters which advertise the DU Drink Safe Campaign.

This campaign is a sponsored by AUSA Senate, the Student Health & Counseling Center, Student Life Know the Code, as well as the Sexual Assault Response and Prevention.

Junior Senator Jake Rokeach reported that the renovation of the Media Office also, the fact that DU TV will soon be available on the Internet as well.

Hashimoto reported the outcome of the Diversity Pledge.

“I would like to thank everyone who helped and supported the Diversity Pledge. It was a huge success. The 10 foot banner was signed by many students and will be seen at the next meeting before it is hung,” said Sophomore Senator, Troy Hashimoto.