The new senators of the AUSA Senate were officially inducted for the 2006-2007 academic year in a late ceremony this Tuesday. They will be led by President Aaron Schwarzberg and Vice-President Megan Cartier.

The ceremony was held at such a late date because of the controversy surrounding the election results, in which an Election Committee that was never ratified by Senate disqualified Schwarzberg due to campaign misconduct and allegedly misusing Senate funds.

Each party, including the Election Committee, presented their case before the Faculty Senate and was allowed a rebuttal. The Faculty Senate decided not to uphold the decision of the Election Committee to disqualify Schwarzberg, and the AUSA Senate voted last Tuesday to accept the decision of the Faculty Senate.

Schwarzberg won by a margin of 35 votes. The total voting tally in the election was 1334, with the Schwarzberg/Cartier ticket carrying 475 votes, the Brown/Myers ticket carrying 430, and the Brooks/Walsh with 416 votes.

The 2005-2006 Senate was present at the induction ceremony, and new senators were sworn into their respective positions by the incumbent. President Brian Kelley and Vice-President Molly Brown handed out gifts to those individuals on the 2005-2006 Senate who they believed contributed to its success, including President Pro-tempore Andrew Sundet for his hard work and dedication.