References to DU are popping up all over the place – even in the movies.The university recently made an appearance in the animated movie “Family Guy Presents Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story,” during a brief scene portraying Condoleezza Rice as an undergraduate student.”The reference was in the context of Condoleezza Rice attending the school,” said Steve Calloghan, writer and co-producer of the movie who wrote the part of the film containing the scene at DU. “We wanted to say something about what she might’ve been like in college. We looked into where she went to school for authenticity. We’re all about accuracy here.”During the 15-second scene, the main character, Stewie, travels back in time to the 70s and finds himself at a house party where Rice is drunk and makes out with a woman. In the background, a college pendant with the DU logo is visible.”We wanted the scene to portray Rice acting unlike herself,” Calloghan said.Rice, the secretary of state under the second Bush administration, received her bachelor’s degree in political science at DU in 1974 and her Ph.D. from DU’s Graduate School of International Studies in 1981.The movie was released on DVD Sept. 27 and is based on the Fox television show “Family Guy.”Because the film does not show anything specific about the university, the writers did not research the school or contact any administrators.Jim Berscheidt, the director of news and media at DU, said that movie producers generally do not have to receive permission from an institution to mention it in a movie, but was not aware of the context in which the school was used in this case.”In general, it is a good thing when our name is out there, but it depends on the circumstances,” he said.