Rumors of streakers, drugs, and drunk students are swirling around campus about this year’s Greek formals. However, fraternity and sorority leaders have denied all of the rumors.

Brian Kelley, president of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, and Greta Zwickey, president of Delta Gamma sorority, spoke out to dispel any further campus rumors.

“There was no drug use and no expulsions from the sorority.B No arrests were made,” said Zwickey. “Compared to other years, I would say it was the safest and most organized formal we’ve had.”

The Delta Gamma formal was May 6 at the Welshire Inn in Denver.

Sixty members of the sorority, each allowed one guest, attended. Advisors and security officers were present throughout the event. Zwickey said the formal was a great way for the sorority to close out the year and thank the graduating seniors for their contributions.

“Formals are always a great way for girls to have an individual event with just us and our dates,” she said. “It is dedicated every year to the seniors as a final send-off. Congratulations to our seniors and thanks for a great event.”

Though one student, whose name was not given, was removed from the event for high levels of intoxication, the student was taken care of by security officers and officers of the sorority.

Kelley, denied rumors that a streaking incident had caused the Steamboat Grand, the venue where the event was held, to ban the fraternity from its premises, Kelley said the hotel had already extended next year’s invitation.

“It’s simply not true and it’s never happened before,” said Kelley about the accusations. “It’s already the second time we’ve had it there and we were invited back for next year.”

The formal lasted from April 29 to May 1 and, according to Kelley, went off without a hitch. Fraternity members must find their own transportation to Steamboat and meet at the venue, in this case a hotel. Those of age can drink from the hotel bar, supervised and run by the hotel bartender.

“If you’re 21 you can drink, and all of the drinks are served by a third-party vendor,” said Kelley. “We had a great time and it’s always been a lot of fun.”

Both presidents said that formals will happen as planned next year, one each in the fall and spring, and that since the rumors are wholly untrue, nobody in the organizations was punished or expelled. Zwickey, however, did say that if the situations rumored to have occurred during its formal, including hard drug use, the sorority would have taken the appropriate action.

“If there had been a problem, our house would take appropriate measures to ensure those involved were reprimanded and future incidents would be prevented at all costs,” she said.