Dear editor, I am writing this letter in regard to the deterioration in the quality of intellectual journalism on the editorials page. The new editorials editor has proved himself to be an irresponsible journalist time and time again. It is his job to ensure that the editorials page represents a balanced cross section of Clarion readers, yet every week we are being inundated with politically right editorials void of any opposing argument. It is a heavy responsibility that the editorials editor has to present all views on an issue and engender open and informed dialogue, but at the same time, it is his most important job. Because you have fallen down on this job, Mr. McGahey, the reputation of the Clarion has suffered.

More specifically, a responsible editorials writer bases what he writes in fact. In “Progress or filibuster,” 5/3/05, there is no evidence upon which to base your claim that Democrats are employing filibusters out of fear or spite as this article argues. It is naCB/ve to think that Democrats alone are gumming up the works of recent Senate sessions. Your Republicans are equally guilty. In fact, CNN reported last week that of the 30 judicial nominees filibustered (I assume that the unidentified nominees to which you refer in your last paragraph are these judicial nominees), 80% of those filibusters were initiated by members of the GOP. I suggest that you begin taking an active role in presenting a more balanced page if you are interested in maintaining your readership.Thank you,James Meissen, BA ’98