I guess I confuse easily. I THOUGHT that a university exists to form independent thinking, except where the school is tax-supported. My church basically told me for whom to vote last fall, and it was not Mr. Kerry. Yet this same organization says it reveres the elderly. So now comes the “other shoe:” those “Swift Boat Veterans” who sent a shot across Kerry’s bow are back. This time they are campaigning against AARP, the American Association of Retired People (which includes many layoff-ees who would work until 65, if they could). Note that AARP has criticized the President’s plan to reform Social Security. What in heaven’s name do “Swift Boat Veterans” know about retirement or pensions? Just when I thought I could tell the horses by their jockeys’ silks! I just hope my brown shirt is clean and pressed. — Gregory Iwan (Preliminary Candidate for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree).