Dear Clarion readers,Many years ago (circa 1976) this fight song had been lost to the generations, but is now resurrected to live again (for this weekend’s hockey games). DU HOCKEY FIGHT SONG (Sung to the melody of theMickey Mouse Club Song) Who’s the leader of the clubThat’s made for you and meD-E-N-V-E-R UniversityHey! there, Hi! there, Ho!thereYou’re as welcome as can beM-I-C- CC SUCKS -O-U-S-O-BDU Rocks!CC Sucks!Forever let us hold our bannerHigh! High! High! High!Come along and sing a songAnd join the jamboree!D-E-N-V-E-R UniversityCC Sucks! CC Sucks!Sincerely,Alan B. Hendrix, ’76, ’80