Matteo Mela and Lorenzo Micheli gave a mesmeric performance of classical guitar at the Hamilton Recital Hall in the Newman Center last Tuesday evening.

The Guitar Duo, which is part of the Lamont Subscription Concert Series, included masterpieces by composers such as Antoine de l’Hoyer, Pierre Petit, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco and Astor Piazzolla.

“You’re going to hear a lot of unexpected things,” Micheli said when introducing the Petit piece, “Toccata.”

All of the pieces were perfectly synchronized- harmonic at times, surprising at others. The sounds and movements of the two guitars and musicians were separate yet seemingly intertwined.

“The two guitars play the same part, but never come together,” said Micheli, a graduate from the Conservatory of Trieste and the Musik-Akademie of Basel. He has been hailed as one of the most important Italian guitarists in the world.

Mela of Imperia, Italy, has studied music at the Accademia Pianistica di Imola and has won several prestigious chamber music competitions as a member of the Mela-Bandini duo. He has been regularly collaborating with Micheli on projects.