DU TV held its premier party at the Centennial Halls Lounge Thursday evening to air its first episode.

“It’s a great way for everyone that’s made an investment in DU TV to celebrate,” said Shannon Ozaki, the program’s founder.

The broadcast included a documentary that followed students who had gone overseas as part of a volunteer exchange program.

This is DU TV’s first year, and it will run on Channel 8 in Sidelines Pub, Driscoll Commons and the residence halls. The current anchors are Lara Smedley and Alden Schiller.

“Our strongest supporters are here,” said Schiller about the party’s turnout.

Safa Samiezade’-Yazd has stepped up as the new station manager to replace Ozaki, who is graduating this quarter.

“I’m really excited,” said Samiezade’-Yazd. “Shannon and I have talked about our visions and how I canB carry those out for her.B I’m honored to follow in her footsteps and carry out what she has worked so hard for all of these years.”

Samiezade’-Yazd plans on making the news show biweekly and possibly a weekly segment next year. To do this, she will use two alternating teams to broadcast, so that staff will not get overwhelmed.

The program will also have a couple new consultants on board next quarter for audio and music, according to Samiezade’-Yazd, who also hopes to start a collaborative relationship with KVDU in cross-promotion and event planning and sponsoring.