Our party should stand for respect, compatibility, tolerance,against special interest, no lobbyist. Government, election, campaign reform. Protect our constitution. The American people’s interest FIRST.Is there such a Political Party today? Yes, listen to Ralph Nader .He is completely correct.

Young Kennedy calls Bush “the most corrupt and immoral President that we have had in American history.

“the Republicans are 95 percent corrupt, the Democrats are 75 percent corrupt.”

“The biggest threat to American democracy is corporate power,”

Instead of being impeached, he was inaugurated.

more than 1,300 young American lives lost, thousands seriously injured and more than 100,000 Iraqi civilian dead 7,000 miles away, the slaughter continues.

two-party corruption and the Bush/Cheney machine.(aipac,

mossad,israel. Baphomet(skull & bones) new world order.

a deceptive and extreme agenda. And now that they control all three branches of government.

You’ve got to hand it to Ralph Nader. While other politicians may bow to the shifting winds of public opinion, he has been steadfastly preaching the same antibusiness gospel for more than three decades. And although Nader’s message fell out of fashion during the 1980s and most of the ’90s, it is clearly back in styleYou’ve got to hand it to Ralph Nader. While other politicians may bow to the shifting winds of public opinion, he has been steadfastly preaching the same antibusiness gospel for more than three decades. And although Nader’s message fell out of fashion during the 1980s and most of the ’90s, it is clearly back in style.