Dear Editor,

Some of our hockey players are the most disrespectful, egotistical, and cognitively inept individuals on this campus.

This last Monday at Penrose library, my studying was rudely interrupted when three obnoxious hockey players sat down in a cubicle at the other end of the study area where I was sitting. As soon as they sat down, they began devouring their illegally smuggled Chipotle burritos and began a dialogue comparable to a script of Beavis and Butthead.

“Chipotle is on top of their game,” one loudly remarked. Another, “Do you get salsa on yours?” Then one made a comment about the phlegm in the back of his throat, to which another replied that he wanted to see it come out. Throughout their conversation, too, would be comments about their “awesome” stats. What’s that called again? Hubris? Then, unfortunately because there were women in the adjacent cubicles, one derided a colleague with the term “douche bag.” Eventually, I and the women in the adjacent cubicles left because these three stooges’ lack of consideration.

I know, I know, I know. I suppose I should cut these buffoons some slack because they are the ones that give our campus a beacon light in athletics. But so what? Name a sport Harvard is readily known for. Just because you don’t have a nationally recognized sport doesn’t mean you can’t be a top notch institution. Besides, are we here for athletics or for learning? But I digress.

Throughout my tenure at DU, I have been to several hockey games and have enjoyed each one of them. But I have also been in classes with hockey players and have been disappointed with most of them – they sit in the back and play video poker, or latch onto one of their industrious peers to do group projects, or are given breaks by teachers. Basically, what it comes down to is this: Why should we support our hockey team on the ice when they disrespect us off it?

But back to the hockey players in the library…You already have a bad rap for STDs, arrogance, partying, and intellectual deficiency, but perhaps that rap is deserved because of incidents off the ice, in the classroom, and at the library. And just because you recently won a national title and are pampered by our school does not mean you are allowed to disrespect your studious peers. Just remember, if it weren’t for your studious peers, you wouldn’t have a school to play hockey at. So next time boys, if you are in the library could you keep your voice down and the remarks to yourself?


Jonathan Davis