Nick Sauer clenches his butt cheeks and sashays gracefully across the room.

Sauer, AUSA senior senator, was demonstrating how to “walk like a girl,” which he learned how to do three years ago when he participated in, and won, the DU Drag Queen show.

“I was standing backstage and I was watching how girls walked and how guys walked. I saw the girls and I said, ‘I need to walk like that.'”

In addition to his work on the Senate, Sauer is president of the Interfraternal Council, New Member Educator for Theta Chi and this year’s Homecoming King. His plans for Senate this year are to pick up where former senior senator Erik Johnson left off.

“Every year we try to recreate the wheel on Senate,” said Sauer. “This year, my goal is not to.”

His long-term project is to create a direct line of communication between seniors and alumni in their field.

“For now I’d love to find a way to match [seniors and alumni] up, just so that they have someone to talk with in their fields,” he explained. Sauer has talked with DU President Marc Holtzman about setting up freshmen with mentors as well.

Sauer describes Homecoming as “a great experience” because it brought the members of the royalty closer.

“We want to start a cheering section at hockey games,” he said.

Sauer’s plans for the future may include politics.

“My parents taught me to get involved with people and work with people,” he said.

As a moderate Republican, Sauer wants to get active in his hometown of Barrington, Ill. after he graduates.

A Democrat was just elected for his home congressional district, and Sauer is considering running for that position when her term is up.

Sauer’s political experience goes beyond his work on the Senate. He’s got his Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bill Clinton impressions down pat.

He describes his work on Senate as one of his most important senior activities.

“I wish I would have gotten more involved in Senate earlier,” Sauer said. “I look at these younger people and am impressed by them and their amazing ideas.”

By the way, Sauer wears a size six dress. And he likes silver sequins.