To the Editor:

Students in Colorado have a unique power to change this election. Living in a swing state affords a rare opportunity for students to boldly exercise the power of their vote. While students in states that are historically blue or red are often left questioning the effectiveness of their ballot, students in swing states can rest assured that their vote is tipping a scale.

Traveling with this exciting power, however, comes a great responsibility. It is essential that students move beyond registration into the realm of engagement. Young voters can no longer be taken for granted. Politicians must be compelled to consider the diverse concerns of young people when designing their political platforms. Students can use the Internet, the media, petitions, and direct communication to make their concerns known. Voter engagement organizations, such as Youth04, offer a host of tools for students interested in attracting the attention of local and national politicians.

As a resident of a virtually unswingable state, I challenge the young people of Colorado to change the face of this election and redefine the role of young voters in the electoral process. Tell your politicians: In Election 2004, we want to do more than vote-we want to be valued.

Amanda Houle is a college student and works for Youth04