Dear Editors (if I have already submitted this, my sincere apologies):

Who knew? The spike of attention afforded the release of what was purported to be George W. Bush’s military records has subsided, but I wonder whether their source wasn’t pretty close to “home.” Had the Loyal Opposition found these records, would they not have crowed long and loud, showing every poor-quality photocopy, even redacted? So they were prepared using 21st-century means; who could know what they ORIGINALLY said, except for their ORIGINAL custodians, or those who have been concealing their content? If this sounds far-fetched, remember: some people will even burn their own legislative hall, to gain at the polls. Second, the Bush Administration acts as though it knows nothing of deaths in Iraq — not our troops’ sacrifices, not hostages, and certainly not civilians. Perhaps our role as consumers of “information” is to work up a boiling hatred of those who, with malice aforethought, behead innocents. With not even acknowledgment of the human cost of this unprovoked war, all we who pay the bill are left with is a growing, profound hatred of Islamic persons everywhere. How interesting. How tragic.

Yours truly,

Gregory IwanPreliminary Candidate for the Doctor of Philosophy