October 12, 2004

Dear Editors:

What does “values” mean in our public realm? Social mores, as when religion mixes with political aims? Does it suggest society’s embrace of responsibility alongside liberty, or social concern enabling individual achievement? The lines — if any there be — between “civic” and personal have become chasms, as have those between the common and the personal or singular. “Community” has as much meaning today as “buggy whip.” The six o’clock news touts four bystanders’ rescue of a motorist from a flooding car; more rare news when someone actually stops for a stop sign on Iliff Avenue or High Street. “Convenience” may be our watchword, our favorite “vanity” license plate “XPDNC.” If society is known by its art we have more problems. What in television like “Survivor” or “The Apprentice” holds broad interest, other than a perverse desire to see someone else “get theirs?” As narcissists we may have no equal; hence, the rise of “bumper sticker” politics and beer-commercial patriotism. We want to be heard, but not listen. We look without seeing. And cui bono? Are we losing the “freedom” we imagine we are exporting? Visit a City Council budget hearing; see how lonesome it is. Then complain about taxes.

Yours truly,

Gregory IwanPreliminary Candidate for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree