Verses From Your Koran:
Surah XXXIII (33) The Clans verses 60 – 62
60 The hypocrites and those with diseased hearts [nonbelievers concerning Islam and his main prophet] and the Alarmist.
61 Are cursed and should be aggressively killed wherever they are found.
62 That is the way allah handled them in the past and he can’t change.
Surah XXIV (24) Light verse 52
52 Strive against disbelievers with great endeavor.
Surah IX (9) Repentance verses 5, 29, 30, 36, 73, 111, 123
5 “Then, when the sacred months have passed, SLAY the idolaters wherever ye find them…”
29 “Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in allah, nor the Last Days…”
30 The Jews claim Ezra is a son and also Jesus is a son of allah says the Christians, but allah fights against them both.
36 “Wage war on all the idolaters as they are waging war on all of you.” [Notice that this is a continuous action “as they are” and not “when they are” which would indicate that war is ongoing at all times since the command was given]
73 “O prophet! strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them.”
111 “…believers…shall fight in the way of allah and shall slay and be slain…” It is a promise which is binding on him in the Torah, Gospels and Quaran.
123 “o ye who believe! fight those of the disbelievers who are near you and let them find harshness in you…”
Dear Muslim,
You sent me an email sharing the testimony of a Missionary who you claimed converted to Islam. I would like to send you a conversion testimony of a Muslim who now knows the truth.
“My name is no longer important.
I spent my youth in a country that taught me and the other children to hate all Jews and Americans (Allah is merciful.)
It was my childhood dream that I would someday sacrifice myself through an act of holy Jihadistic suicide in order to kill as many innocent people as was possible, because the more people I murdered in this way would ensure a greater honor to Allah as I helped Him eliminate these cursed dogs from the earth (Allah is patient.)
I had the date planned as to my glorification in murdering a buss load of very young, fun-loving school children. My Religious Leader who showed me the true light of Jihad was kind enough to teach me how to make a vest bomb one day after the prayers were offered (Allah is loving.)
The day of cleansing the land of these cursed people came. I did what I was taught to do while never once questioning Mohammad’s commands. I ran into the buss and pushed the triggering device to the bomb I wore. The explosion injured many people who were in the area close to the buss, but the best part was killing all those children, as I blew their delicate little bodies into thousands of pieces (Allah is great.)
When I opened my eyes in the after life, I was alarmed to discover that I wasn’t in my own tent but in a lake of fire. My religion taught me that if I murdered others for the cause of Islam, that I would be given 72 virgins that would be my slaves of whom I could rape any time I wanted throughout all eternity and their parents could do nothing to stop me (Allah is gracious.)
Here, in the torments of Hell, I could see paradise across a great expanse of empty space. As I looked, I saw the very same children that I had murdered just moments earlier. They were with their Heavenly Father who was busy wiping the tears from their sweet little eyes as He was reassuring them that they would see their Moms and Dads very soon. When He had finished comforting them, He turned and looked straight at me, and with His piercing glance, His eyes spoke to me saying, ‘Allah is a lie!’ ”
For your deliverance, William M. Cooper, 2415 E. St. Gertrudis #87, Kingsville, Texas, USA 361-595-4938