Dear editors and readers alike,Dear editors and readers alike,This message is in part a response to Graham Patterson’s letter in last weeks Clarion, but is also a general rallying call to all readers. I constantly find myself gawking at the glaring spelling mistakes (Mason’s album lacks edge), the patrician agenda presented as fact (GOP written up) and the fact that everyone know that the best part of the Clarion is the crime section. After reading articles week after week that for lack of a better phrase “piss me off,” I have come to a profound realization: the Clarion is not actually a news paper. Let me clarify my statement. I work with the student media board, the fine folks responsible for the Clarion. I count many of the staff members as my friends. So I know a thing or two about what it takes to publish the paper every week. The paper is a collection of all the material that reporters and journalist write each week. For the most part these are students writing about the events that happen on our campus. They are students just like you and I. As students we are bound to make some mistakes, which as students we should all take in stride. To warp things up I propose a solution for Patterson and anyone else that doesn’t think the Clarion is shooting straight: WRITE AN ARTICLE. Agree to cover an event, write an editorial, agree to edit and issue, stop complaining and start using the medium that is available to us. Start holding your peers responsible for the material they present as news. I know that I for one plan to continue having my voice heard, I challenge you all to rise to the occasion…

Neal Kirknkirk@du.edu