“VOTE FOR JOHN KERRY AND JOHN EDWARDS”American is more divided then ever. It was developedand will remain under this present administration.KERRY/EDWARDS, WILL UNITE US IN MANY WAYS.1. Get rid of the Lobbyist in “our” Government halls.2. Work immediately on foreign trade policy.3. Home-land Security and Border order policy.4.Employment for AMERICANS policy, discourageout-sourcing instead of supporting it.5. Foreign relations, and the importance of such.6.”Iraq” clean up the mess of this WAR of choice.7.Bring back some ETHICS and CREDIBILITY.8.Domestic issues be a priority, instead of Globaleconomics. Detroit Free Press,New York Times,Boston globe and 14 others Endorses John Kerry[Endorsement from the Detroit Free Press, October 4, 2004] ENDORSEMENT: On Iraq, national security, the economy and more, John Kerry would offer more effective leadership Four years ago, George W. Bush promised America he was “a uniter, not a divider.” Today, the nation is more divided in more ways than it has been since the turbulent 1960s. The president has failed, or refused, to pursue consensus on America’s problems and instigated solutions that have produced results ranging from mixed to disastrous.”SCANDALS” : OIL FOR FOOD–CHALABI–HALLIBURTON–AIPAC–IRAQ–OUTSOURCING–DRUG COMPANIES–HEALTH CARE–TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH –DEFICIT–ENVIROMENT–IMMIGRATION, MISSILES TO INDIA.HOW MANY MORE DO WE NEEDBEFORE CHANGE.?VOTE KERRY/EDWARDS.. Ron Waldron rwaldron@stny.rr.com 716-483-5583