George W. Bush’s principal argument for re-election is his war on terrorism, but in fact that’s one of the principal reasons he should NOT be re-elected.

Leading up to 9/11, Bush downgraded his terrorism czar to a sub-cabinet level position and ignored intelligence reports with titles such as “bin Ladin Determined To Attack Inside United States.” After 9/11, he didn’t go in for the kill at Tora Bora, allowing bin Laden to escape. Then Bush pursued a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11, diverting valuable personnel and resources away from the war on terrorism and bin Laden and, as his father’s own national security advisor said it would, inflaming the Muslin world, creating thousands of new terrorists. His disdain for other nation’s views, both before and after 9/11, has made it more difficult to get international support in our war on terrorism. And let’s not forget that he opposed the creation of a Homeland Security department for 9 months, and opposed creation of the 9/11 commission.

Simply saying that Bush “misled” us into war in Iraq – while true – does not connect the dots on why that UNDERMINES our war on terrorism. He has botched things up every step of the way, making our nation less safe.

William C. Stosine (online Clarion reader)Route 6, Iowa City, IA 52240319/338-0195