The AUSA Senate adopted a revised constitution Tuesday, but the decision was not unanimous. The vote passed 12-2, with Sens. James Haug and Ben Burke providing the dissenting votes.

“I don’t think we looked over it enough,” said Haug. “There were no major flaws, but there were just a few things I would have liked to talk about.”

The senators who voted to pass the divestiture were optimistic about the new constitution.

“The Board of Trustees has already approved it and they really appreciate all of Chris’ hard work,” said Sen. Max Goldberg. “I see no reason why the Senate shouldn’t approve it.”

Sen. Rich Lufkin introduced a funding bill to reimburse Digital Media Studies major and DUTV Happy Hour creator Ted Severson for his work for DUTV this year. The $300 would come from the Happy Hour account and cover Severson’s 12 hours at $25 per hour. The bill passed and Senators praised Severson for his hard work.

“I’d say it’s compensation for services rendered and we’re getting a hell of a bargain,” said Sen. Matt Lira.

“Twenty-five dollars an hour is about half of what he usually charges,” added Lufkin.

Sen. Steve Forbes read the Senate’s compiled list of accomplishments for this year. The list included setting the Bridges to the Future program in motion, a completely re-worked Senate application process, the Driscoll TV initiative (flatscreens televisions in Driscoll), regional RTD passes, and others. Haug reported the results of his year-long survey, where students were asked information on questions such as where they hear about on-campus events. Because most students wrote that they hear of campus events through e-mail or word of mouth, Haug suggested a better gathering place in wintertime, so students could interact, and an e-mail calendar of events to all students.

“There should be a calendar of something that we could get out to students,” he said. “One thing we all do regularly is check our e-mail.”