Dear Clarion,

Let me begin by saying that I strongly believe in the idea of the Chancellor’s Roundtable and that I think it is a unique way for students to interact with the Chancellor.

I do, however, have some insights as to why attendance was so low this quarter. Firstly, I know that many students, myself included, would have otherwise gone to the Roundtable had class during the event. No offence, Richie, but at $200 a credit I can’t afford to miss class.

Secondly, I personally feel that the Chancellor’s responses to the concerns of the students are usually met with the blanket response: “bring me more info,” “schedule an appointment,” or “I will look into it.”

Although presenting student concerns to the Chancellor is something beneficial and unique to the DU campus, I feel like the discussion would be better attended if it was on a Friday when fewer students have class, lasted longer that two hours, or for that matter, was scheduled for separate times of the day.

My two bits, I hope it’s helpful,

————————–Neal Kirk