This is to inform you that the suspect who was being held for the assault cases on March 25, 2004 has been released from jail. This individual was positively indentified in a photo line up by both victims. He was placed on a 75 day hold for a prior assault case. His criminal record includes numerous assaults and felonies since 1982. He has served approximately 40 of the 75 days required. He was released early for “good behavior”!!!! The DU assault case is an active on going investigation and yet the DA made the decision to release him early. Please inform the students on your campus that they are at risk for more assaults. If he is not the individual who assaulted the two women on March 25th, then the perpetrator is stil at large. Please address why the University removed the posters so quickly from campus and has blocked acess to the web file concerning this incident.Thank you