The life of Don Nelson, associate professor in Business Ethics and Legal Studies and avid skier, was remembered two weeks ago at DCB, after becoming critically ill in March. Nelson came to DU 25 years ago after pursuing a career in law.

Nelson implemented business law ethics into the business and law curriculums. Along with another professor from CU Boulder, Nelson took his idea of promoting ethics to a national organization in Philadelphia. As a result, the practice of teaching ethics became a major part of legal studies across the nation. Nelson eventually became an associate dean alongside Elliot Kline in the business school.

The remembrance ceremony was held at the Daniels College of Business. Thirty fellow collegues and several students attended the ceremony, in celebration of Nelson’s life and passion for his work.

Jon Bales, a second-year student said Nelson was “my favorite teacher because he encorporated real life experience and humor into his class discussions and made it enjoyable to learn and come to class every day.”

Nelson’s sense of humor and passion for his studies were mentioned in the various speeches.

“It was a priviledge to sit in on his classes. His good humor and irreverent exchanges with staff and students were inspiring,” said Paul Stames, former director of MBA studies.

A former student said, “Don Nelson knew what teaching is about.”

Several speakers offered glimpses into Nelson’s personal life. They spoke about his passion for skiing and also his BMW motorcycle.