The students huddled in the doorway of Skyline apartments to stay out of the heavy spring snow dampening the early Friday morning. The ocean of matching green T-shirts that is often seen at university events, most recently the “Take Back the Night” rally, were barely visible under winter coats and scarves.

Members of DU’s Undergraduate Women’s Council were preparing to travel to Washington, D.C. on Friday morning to participate in the March for Women’s Lives, held on Sunday.

Organizers of the march, anticipating 1.5 million participants, planned the event to raise awareness about women’s issues, specifically highlighting issues such as abortion rights.

The last March for Women’s Lives was held 12 years ago, just before the 1992 presidential election, said Sarah Asplin, president of UWC. She said that she hopes the march will prove to be a life-changing opportunity for all participants.

“People seeing 1.5 million people gathered in a place that we associate with power and realizing that power is for them will be amazing,” said Asplin.

To raise the travel and lodging funds, said Asplin, students raised $15 from 15 people who were willing to sponsor their journey.

DU’s 45 travelers represent the largest campus group going from Colorado.