Photo by: Charles Ng

The Ben and Jerry’s ice cream shop opened last week on Evans just west of University.

To celebrate the store gave away free ice cream to “Friends and Family.”

Tamara Shelton, a DU freshman, said, “I’m so excited they finally opened. I think the free ice cream night was a good opportunity to get a real taste of Ben and Jerry’s.”

Brian Riccomini, the manager of the new store, said that all 14 employees were needed for the “Friends and Family” opening night to serve a line that extended out the door.

With DU students back from break, the store could not have picked a more opportune moment to open the doors.

Ben and Jerry’s opens at 11:30 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m., Sunday through Thursday and stays open an extra hour on Friday and Saturday night.

DU students can also use their flex money to purchase ice cream.

Ben and Jerry’s offer 34 flavors in all, including low carb varieties, “Carb Karma,” sorbet fruit based varieties (dairy free), low fat yogurt and, of course, favorites like Chunky Monkey and Phish Food.

If you don’t see your preferred flavor, Riccomini suggests you let them know and they would be happy to put it out for you.

Riccomini also said that Ben and Jerry’s sets themselves apart from other ice cream stores like Coldstone and Maggie Moo’s by being “as friendly as possible” and also by offering “a higher quality ice cream than [their] competitors.”

While Coldstone offers singing and dancing behind the counter, Ben and Jerry’s promotes Earth-friendly business practices and uses all natural ingredients to make their “euphoric concoctions.”

DU freshman Amanda Suderman said, “Ben and Jerry’s just tastes better. It’s tradition.”

For those who missed the free ice cream last Wednesday, April 27 is “Free Cone Day.”

So stop by and try one of Ben and Jerry’s famous flavors and handmade waffle cones.