The Daniels College of Business welcomed 75 prospective graduate students for its open house last Tuesday.

The open house was for future graduate students to have their questions answered about Daniels, admissions, financial aid, career placement, MBA programs, specialized degrees, executive and professional programs, and online programs.

“This open house is intended to give prospective graduate students the chance to see all the programs that Daniels has to offer but also to allow these prospective students to get to know the professors of the graduate school,” said Marnie Brockamp of student services for Daniels.

The open house began at 5 p.m. and continued until 7 p.m., with breakout sessions that went on for the duration of the event.

The breakout sessions included a “Daniels College of Business Overview,” in which Daniels’ track record was noted; most recently the in Wall Street Journal which named Daniels “one of the world’s top business schools.”

Another session explained the Undergraduate/Graduate Dual Degree Program in which organized and self-motivated students can earn their undergraduate and graduate degrees in five years.

Honor student Brandon Danko said, “One of the main reasons I chose the University of Denver was the fact that it would allow me the incredible opportunity to work as hard as possible, to grow in an immeasurable amount, as well as allow me to enter the business world with my master’s degree in international business; not only setting me apart, but giving me the reputation of the University of Denver.”

To help prospective students understand how to get into DU’s selective programs, there were sessions on Daniels’ rolling admissions and financial aid solutions.

Other than the break out sessions the program demonstrated Daniels’ integration of technology into each degree and Daniels building tours.

In the Marcus Foyer, there were booths for each of the graduate programs with specific information in regard to each program.

The programs at Daniels include: master of science in management, master of science in finance, executive MBA, master of accountancy, traditional MBA, international MBA, master of science in information technology, hospitality, and master of real estate and construction management.

The open house is for everyone as Maclyn Clouse, director/professor, in the Reiman School of Finance, said, “This is a great chance to get your questions answered – on the spot. If I can’t answer your question, I can walk you across the room and introduce you to the person who can.”

For students who missed this open house there are three more in the coming months, May 19, June 15, and July 14 all 5-7 p.m. in the Marcus Foyer. For more information go to www.daniels.du.edu.