Dear Clarion,

My name is Solomon Malekou and I was one of the contestants while fundraising this past friday at the drag queen show. I just wanted to to bring to your attention that one little detail about my performance was misinterpreted by the writer, Babette Sullivan. Here is a direct quote:”Contestant Salomon Malekou performs as Whitney Huston to the song “Queen of the Night.” Malekou completed the number with most of his costume missing.” I just wanted to clarify that my costume was not missing but the “missing” costume was part of the show. I was moking the infumous “Janet Jackson” stunt at the super bowl. This was a very carefully planned humouristic touch to the performance, I was not “missing” my costume. However, I would like to show my appreciation to Miss Sullivan for her hard work in attending the show and making it available to the rest of the campus through her wonderful writting.

Thank you very much.