March 28, 2004 Rogelio Bautista 72 Van Reipen Ave. PMB 193 Jersey City, NJ 07306 New e-mail address: rogeliobautista1@hotmail.com

Reference: U.S. government policy and technologies; the use of EMP targeting, illegally implanted brain microchips and other forms of non-lethal weapons on the general population. (UPDATED)

There exists a conspiracy in the United States. Most categorize it as a New World Order being administered against the American people and quite possibly the international community by the United States and its federal agencies (U.S. military, C.I.A., F.B.I., D.E.A., and Homeland Security). This conspiracy involves activities of the below mentioned that can only be described as grave misconduct that intentionally violates the very constitutional institutions that the United States is founded upon. The atrocities being committed are for the most part unknown because of national security issues, but nevertheless these atrocities are being committed, as I, myself, can testify. A brief list : 1) primary and secondary nervous systems manipulation and control through technological means- remote frequency or radio waves- including a person’s faculties, motor skills, glands and nerves 2) illegal utilization of individuals with no regard for their civil and constitutional rights through illegal implantations of brain microchips and other intelligence based technologies-“sentinels and moles” 3) brain cell destruction through electronic targeting 4) deliberate imposing paranoid schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder like symptoms and 5) causing medical conditions through electronic targeting of the human nervous system ( such as thyroid and pituitary glands to become overactive). The list can go on.

The United States, its military and federal agencies have the technologies to also affect and target the international community with its advanced and undisclosed electronic warfare; a similar policy of illegal utilization of unknowing people with no regard for international law; the possibility of the illegal utilization of the Iraqi people and/ or suicide bombers (January, February, and the first week of March) to fulfill the objectives of President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the U.S. military. The occurrences of several suicide attacks came soon after the release of certain detainees by the United States in December of 2003. My allegations are based on the technologies in question; the ability of the United States to manipulate individuals and situations through their advanced intelligence based technologies (put people in gauntlets); the ability of the United States to monitor situations of interest – video and audio through illegal implantations of electronic devices; the ability to manipulate people’s behavior, faculties and thoughts through those devices; the deliberate exposing of Iraqi’s and people from Afghanistan to a variety of “mesh” or nanontubings; the ability of the United States to deny. Ultimately, what I’m implying is that the United States might be using classified technologies to the detriment of the Iraqi people. President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of State Colin Powell, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, Inspector General Glen A. Fine, C.I.A. Director George Tenet, F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Pat Roberts and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Porter Goss are all partly responsible for the development, procurement, and deliberate abuses of electromagnetic and other non lethal weapons. As noted previously, the atrocities are many and vile, are being committed without regard for human rights, and are still mostly unpublicized. The United States does not respect the rights of its own citizens so why would one assume that it would respect national borders or the national security of other countries I am currently a member of a discussion group: mcforums@yahoogroups.com . If the you want to monitor this discussion group you can do so by sending a blank e-mail to mcforums-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and then confirming the reply e-mail from yahoo groups.

Nazism is reigning in the Unites States. Hopefully that will change if Senator John Kerry becomes President of the United States in 2005. Things will not change otherwise because President George W. Bush is truly a disappointment.

Regards, Rogelio Bautista