About 20 students gathered in Driscoll last week to learn about DU’s Teacher Education Program and receive packets of information about requirements, a program overview and financial aid information.
A discussion followed and refreshments were served.
The program currently has 75 teacher candidates enrolled. Of these eight are undergraduates hoping to minor in education and obtain teaching license.
The other 57 other undergraduates in TEP are enrolled in the combined license and master’s program, which includes a graduate degree of master of arts in education with an emphasis in teaching, plus the teaching license.
The master’s program was begun in 1995 and has experienced steady growth in enrollments.
The teaching program was created in 1986 to replace DU’s undergraduate major in elementary education and to bring the teacher preparation program into alignment with the requirements of the Colorado Department of Education.
Lindsey Rayfield, an undergraduate student in TEP, said that one of the program’s best qualities was the “excellent,B professionalB andB wiseB teachers from theB fieldB thatB comeB inB toB beB ourB professors.”
She added, “They getB highlyB qualifiedB peopleB toB teachB usB whoB are upB onB theB latest researchB andB bestB methodsB toB teach. TheB professorsB areB there toB supportB us,B andB sinceB weB allB knowB howB challengingB theB programB is,B weB supportB each other.”
Joe Smith, who is seeking the graduate degree, said, “IB amB aB lifelongB learner. IB loveB toB seeB growthB inB learning.B B AsB aB teacherB youB seeB theB wholeB processB ofB growthB inB its idealB form.” Smith added, “GrowthB isB cyclicalB asB isB learning.B B ItB isB prettyB amazingB toB watchB andB beB aB partB ofB thatB cycleB withB students.”
The program has seen a placement rate as high as 95 percent for teachers. Christy Moroye, the admissions coordinator for TEP, said, districtsB seekB outB DUB graduatesB because ofB “ourB strongB reputationB inB theB community.”
Moroye, who received her master’s in 1998, said, “CandidatesB buildB strongB systemsB ofB supportB that notB onlyB help themB excelB inB thisB intenseB program,B butB alsoB succeedB inB theirB firstB yearsB of teaching.”B B .
At the meeting, President Bush’s “Leave No Child Behind” legislation was also discussed and the impact the measure has had on DU’s program. Because the legislation requires teachers to be “highly qualified,” DU criteria have been raised so students would exceed the government’s expectations. Students must take and pass the Praxis II or PLACE exams before admission, and also have a heavier course requirement.