I recently read a story in the Clarion indicating that some students have experienced very one-sided discussions in classrooms.

I’d like to put in my two cents on this matter. I’ve only been at DU for two quarters now, but have already had my share of professors who are extremely verbal about what side of certain issues they stand on. Not only that, but some of the more charismatic ones are apt to make unsought derogatory remarks about anyone or anything that comes into conflict with their views. This is great for the students in class who happen to agree with the professor, but not so fabulous for the others who hold a conflicting point of view.

I’m a 29-year-old student trying to finish my degree before I get too ancient. Fortunately, mostly due to my age and experience in life, I am pretty set and confident in my views. However, that doesn’t mean I’m not open to hearing what others have to say and why they see things as they do.

Having said that, I’d like to admonish the professors at DU to not forget that they are hear to educate students by encouraging them to think criticially, not by cloning their own ideals in the minds of their “young padawans.” (Sorry, geeky Star Wars reference.)

One reason I love DU is that the classes are small and tend to encourage discussion and respectful debate. A great professor is one who can hold their own ideas, but places more importance on allowing the students to learn how to profess their own opinions, and more importantly, how to back them up and support them in the face of opposing points of view.

Professors, take a back seat instead of getting on a soapbox. Be a guide to the voicing of young minds instead of inadvertently stifling them with the power and influence of your office. It’ll make for a much more interesting class session.